We are envisioning futures and pathways forward ​rooted in Black imagination; while centering community ​care, radical pleasure, and love.

I am so glad you’re here.

Your Journey with J

We aren’t meant to travel through life alone,

What journey are you on?

Modern Scribble Line

This work is more than just about birth, its about bodies. Its about connection. It’s about care. It’s about sovereignty.

We are constantly giving ourselves grace - and reminding people to do the same for themselves.

Modern Scribble Oblong

Doula Jai


Jai is a Black, queer, muva, full spectrum doula, educator, ​creative, advocate, and nature enthusiast with a focus on ​shifting the way we think about birth, abortion, sex, and ​wellness by replacing fear and shame with education and ​empowerment.

Consent and autonomy is central to the work that she does with ​humans of all ages - while centering BIPOC, single, and ​LGBTQIA+ people. The combination of formal training, ​mentorship guidance, working with families in various capacities ​and personal lived experience allows them to provide ​comprehensive and culturally inclusive support.

Jai is an advocate for finding pleasure through play, and their ​“secret” agenda is to bring wellness to the community through ​creating affirming and supportive spaces for people to thrive.

“Radical well being means health and healing from the bottom up. It means birthing without fear; reclaiming and ​furthering our knowledge of herbal medicine; having proper support through all reproductive experiences and outcomes; ​elaborating radical love with eachother; and working to collectively create communities of care, strength, and vitality that ​stand in direct opposition to capitalist modes of relating”

— A. Apfel, Birthwork as Carework


Birthwork journey

“Thank you soooo much for ​taking the time out to do a ​mentorship call. I felt so lost ​on what to do next after my ​training, but I have already ​done some of the things we ​talked about and feel like I ​know my next steps now”.


Parenting journey

“If you are looking for a birth ​doula who has a great soul, ​loving energy, and who is ​educated in her field, then ​you are looking for Jai”.


Pleasure journey

“The support I received was ​paramount, and I cant ​thank/recommend Jai enough ​for every way in which she ​shows up in community”.

Your Journey with J